Frequently Asked Questions


Yes, the process is fairly easy and free! This will also be the account you use to register for events. For more information visit Tabletop.Events Help

While you do need to provide your “real” (Legal) name, you can switch your profile to use a different name. You can adjust your name preferences to that of your username or email. Follow the instructions here to do so.

Please be aware that since your account is managed by Tabletop.Events, we cannot make changes for you and you are responsible for ensuring your display name is correct.

Yes, you can purchase up to 4 badges with one account.

Yes! One of the great things about Tabletop.Events is that you can now gift badges & merch to others so if you want to help another person come – you can now do that! We encourage you to add friends on the Tabletop.Events site to facilitate this.

For more information on how to gift a badge, visit this how-to article.


Check out the Event Tracks page for more information.

Visit this page for more information on how to schedule an event.

Once Event Registration has opened you can register for events on the Tabletop.Events Website. Check out our how-to guide for more details.

Visit Tabletop.Events and click on Attend > Events Schedule from the navigation menu.


While we would love for everyone to volunteer, our 2024 Volunteer Registration is now closed. Thank you for your interest!

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